The Luna Legacy from @paulawynne #Historical #Mystery#Thriller - in search of reviewers
Paula Wynne's third book in the Torcal Trilogy of historical mystery thrillers, is being published in January. She is giving away review...

Thriller, Mystery and Suspense Reading For Thanksgiving
A selection of ebooks to thrill over the holidays. These copies are free on Prolific Works - the new name for Instafreebie until the end...

Supporting Authors: Peter Mulraney and the Stella Bruno Investigates Series @PeterMulraney1
Welcome this week to Australian crime thriller author Peter Mulraney, a guest post by the man behind the Stella Bruno Investigates...

Supporting Authors - Crime Fiction About An Undercover Cop, By a Former Undercover Cop @StephenBentl
Today I'm supporting the BooksGoSocial Army of Authors Blog Tour with a guest post from author Stephen Bentley. The Amazon blurb makes...

Kindle Book Launch of Love Bleeds Blue, 99c/99p intro price & prize draw #romance, #satire #read
Brand new, out today LOVE BLEEDS BLUE is available on Amazon Worldwide, at a special intro price of 99c/99p for a limited time only....

Early #review for LOVE BLEEDS BLUE #romance & #suspense @winmillp
A five star review for a brand new satirical suspense romance from Emma Calin. Just 99c/99p in launch fortnight.

Congratulations on a 5 Star book launch for the new John Milton Thriller from Mark Dawson @pbackwri
The 10th book in Mark Dawson's bestselling John Milton series has hit the streets. It's already topping the charts. Here's a sample of...

Dare you walk away? pic.twitter.com/fEn5KsIxFi More Thrilling #FREE books for 2017 on #instafreebie
If you enjoy thrillers here's a treat from the 10-17th January. Hosted on Instafreebie you can download one or all of these suspense...

Fancy thirty crime writers in your stocking? http://darkdays.convertri.com/ pic.twitter.com/iGu3PVC
30 crime and mystery writers share their best books with you for Christmas. Each book is available in EPUB .Mobi or PDF to suit most e-reade