Suspense Romance Stories, Gritty Short Stories and Modern Interactive Fairy Tales For Children...
Seduction Series Box Set 2
A bargain box set containing books 4-6 of the steamy suspense romance novels in Emma Calin's Kindle best selling, Multi-award winning Passion Patrol Series.
Each story introduces a different female cop facing new challenges and dangers. Whilst the characters of these female officers are very different, they all share the same determination to stamp out crime and deliver justice in their own specialist field. They also share a healthy passion for the men they love. But what happens when duty and private lives combine? Can their relationships survive? Our heroines face international action and adventure as they solve mysteries, lock up the criminals and follow the path of true love to its ultimate goal.
Titles included:
Each book is a stand-alone story with a guaranteed HEA ending. Characters from earlier stories make cameo appearances throughout the series but prior knowledge is not necessary.
Available in digital format only.
Retailer price $14.97 for three individual e-books. Author direct boxset price $8.99