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My debut #video for BooksGoSocial, #reading an excerpt from 'Before the Darkness' by @Annett

Here it is - my first video recording for BooksGoSocial. I'm going to be reading excerpts from featured authors' books for their new area called..... READINGS (!)

The first book is a romance novel set in London before the beginning of World War 2 called 'Before The Darkness' written by Australian author Annette Creswell.

You can find details of Annette's book here:

It was fun to read - although challenging with the pre-war-style British English phrases and dialogue. The excerpt lasts about eighteen minutes.

I filmed it using my new super-dooper 'mobile vlogging kit'. It consists of my iPhone, a dinky little tripod with an iPhone holder-clamp, a lapel mic that plugs into my iPhone and a bluetooth start/stop controller. It all fits in an A5-sized pouch so is ideal for filming out and about too - I'm really looking forward to using it in 2017 when we go on our big cycle adventure from Land's End to John O'Groats on the tandem ...but that's another story and nothing to do with Annette's book.

For this reading I was indoors. Luckily I've got plenty of bookcases and found one that was suitably lit - and made use of a handy, comfy leather chair. It's my ideal cosy book corner!

The recording was't without it's excitements.... I had the landline ring twice during separate takes... the same guy on the same wrong number grrrr. Plus Oscar bursting into song as he returned home from a shopping spree. I managed to edit that out! I also got tongue tied and had a fit of the giggles at one point, you know how it is... and then lost the plot every time I tried to re-read that sentence. The life of a performer heh?

Pop over to BooksGoSocial for regular updates and additions to the page - not just by me but a host of other presenters reading from a variety of book genres.

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